We're Excited to Announce a New Addition to the SiteSwan Website Builder Team!
Jim Haigh dives into the SiteSwan lake as our new Product Evangelist, bringing a lifetime of championing entrepreneurs and Small Businesses (SMB’s) to our White Label Website Reseller Program. Jim will lead strategic initiatives to cultivate Reseller growth, harness partnerships and 3rd-party Integrations, and spread the word of SiteSwan opportunities across the digital landscape. If you’re a SiteSwan Reseller, be on the lookout for profiles of you and your peers in fresh new Reseller Case Studies In Success. Get ready for more coverage of SiteSwan Website Builder innovations, features and awesome integrations that make selling, building and receiving residual income from SMB websites better and easier by the day.
Not exactly "new" to SiteSwan, Jim and SiteSwan co-founder and president Justin Gerena volunteered their time together as board members for the Mid Atlantic Community Paper Association (MACPA). They worked together to develop and promote digital innovation and publisher revenue initiatives. At the time, Jim was also helping print publishers band together to fight for an Open Internet, years before most had ever heard of Net Neutrality, making the case that the same grave threats to the distribution of physical print publications also loom on the digital horizon.
“It was this kind of foresight that intrigued me about Jim,” declared Justin. He continues, “But then I learned about his experience as well. His resume consists of being an advertising sales manager, hometown publisher, community paper industry advocate and lobbyist, and regional chamber of commerce executive. Jim has a robust understanding of what business owners want and need from their marketing. He’s been helping and watching small businesses grow for decades. Jim's unique vision, passion and fierce advocacy make him the ideal Product Evangelist for SiteSwan Website Builder."
Jim knows what makes small business tick and what they need to succeed. Throughout his entire career, he has dedicated himself to cultivating local commerce and community. From creating compelling ad campaigns to organizing downtown festivals for merchants on Main Street, to testifying at the State House and before the Federal Communications Commission in favor of free enterprise and fair competition for small business, Mr. Haigh has always championed self-reliance and sustainable business practices. As he puts it: We need to cultivate a garden of local commerce together. If everyone's just running their own little strip mine, our collective opportunity for better futures together will just lay barren.
Please join us in welcoming Jim Haigh to the SiteSwan Website Builder Team. We invite you to connect with him on LinkedIn ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimhaigh/) and to follow the SiteSwan Website Builder Company Page on LinkedIn ( https://www.linkedin.com/company/siteswan/) and to Tweet with us @SiteSwan (http://twitter.com/SiteSwan ) -- and in the meantime, let's keep building more beautiful, responsive websites, one small business at a time!