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SiteSwan Training Program

SiteSwan 14-Day Launch Plan

Ready to apply what you learned in the training? Our Launch Plan consists of step-by-step instructions for landing your first (or next) paying website client in as little as 14 days.

This process can be repeated over and over again so you can continue to take on more clients every month and scale your agency to 6 figures or more.

Should you find yourself not achieving the expected results, simply repeat the process. Persistence and commitment are key to unlocking continuous success and growth for your agency.

Here's what we cover:

  • Step-by-step instructions for landing your first client
  • 14-day action plan
  • 4 key phases
  • Bonus training videos
  • Sample sales scripts
  • Tips for success

Action items:

  • Download the Launch Plan and print it out. Keep a copy on your desk so you can easily reference it.
  • Complete EVERY task. Start with the "Pre-Launch Checklist" followed by the daily tasks.
  • Stay committed. It's OK if it takes you more than 14 days to complete this Launch Plan. Work at your own pace and focus on getting it done.
  • Repeat the process. This Launch Plan was designed to be used as a repeatable sales process.
  • Ask for help. Remember, we're dedicated to your success. If there is anything you're unsure of, visit our Support Center for more helpful articles or to submit a ticket.