Lesson 1 of 12

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SiteSwan Training Program

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Training Program

Watch this short video to learn more about the SiteSwan Training Program, our CEO, and the web design industry. We'll also task you with taking the first steps to launching your business, including establishing goals and figuring out your "why," which will be the driving force behind your success. We'll finish with some tips for success that will help you make the most of the program and keep you on track.

Here's what we cover:

  • The opportunity
  • The benefits of starting a web design business
  • Setting goals and figuring out your "why"
  • Holding yourself accountable
  • Tips for getting started

Action items:

  • Establish your short-term and long-term goals. Figure out how many sites you need to sell each week or month to achieve your long-term goals.
  • Decide how many hours you’re willing to invest in your new venture and carve out specific days/times in the week to focus on your business. 
  • Figure out your "why?" Write it down, gather photos, and post it somewhere you will see it every day. This will be the driving force behind your success.
  • Hold yourself accountable. This is your business, so own it. Your success is a direct reflection of the effort you put in.
  • Watch the next video for a quick tour of the SiteSwan Platform and how to use our site builder.