2. Expand Your Search Area
Our Local Prospecting Tool is powered by Google and uses geo-tracking to build a list of potential businesses. If you are looking for your next web design client, try expanding your search to nearby towns or cities.
Remember, as a web designer you’re not restricted to who and where you can sell websites. If you’re in a crowded market or an area where many of the businesses already have a website, explore opportunities outside your immediate area. You can sell websites to businesses across town, across the state or across the country. There are literally millions of potential web design clients all around you. All you need to do is search for them with the Local Prospecting Tool to find them.
3. Don’t Overlook Redesign Opportunities
One of the biggest mistakes a web designer can make is assuming that just because a business has a website, they won’t be interested in a new one. When generating a list of businesses with the Local Prospecting Tool, don’t be so quick to scroll past those businesses with a website listed. Oftentimes these websites are outdated, not mobile optimized, downright ugly or even no longer online. Others who have good looking sites might be overspending or simply unhappy with their current provider. Maybe they’re unable to get in touch with their account rep or not receiving the level of support they expect. Take the time to click on each link to determine where there are opportunities to sell the client on a website redesign. You’ll often find that selling a business on a website redesign is even easier than selling to a business without a website. Businesses who already have a website understand the importance and value of a website so less convincing is required.
SiteSwan’s Local Prospecting Tool even includes a SSL Checker and Mobile Site Checker which will help you determine if a site is secure or mobile friendly. With just one-click you can determine if a site is mobile optimized and determine if there is room for improvement. You can even download a screenshot of the report to share with the prospect.