Lesson 7 of 12

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SiteSwan Training Program

Lesson 7: How to Pitch Local Businesses

Being proactive with sales is arguably the most important thing you can do as a web designer, especially in the beginning stages when you’re just starting out and trying to get your business off the ground.

But how do you reach out to businesses and more importantly, what do you say? In order to be effective at selling websites, you need to have a solid plan in place with a solid sales pitch.

In this video, we go over how to pitch local businesses, show you how to craft the perfect sales pitch for your web design agency and we even share the EXACT script our CEO has used himself to sell hundreds of websites to local businesses.

Here's what we cover:

  • A quick review of the website sales process
  • What makes a good sales pitch?
  • Sample sales pitch you can use
  • Tips for success

Action items:

  • Familiarize yourself with our sample sales script. Get comfortable reciting it by practicing it out loud to yourself or family and friends.
  • Pick up the phone and start calling prospects from your list of leads. You might be uncomfortable at first, but it will get easier with each call you make.
  • Utilize our FREE CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) Template to keep good notes about the conversations you had and to keep track of when to follow up.
  • If you're struggling on the phone, consider hiring a commission sales rep. Provide them with the script, CRM and list of leads so they can make calls and set appointments for you.
  • Watch the next video to learn how to create a demo website.