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SiteSwan Training Program

Lesson 8: How to Create a Demo Website for a Lead

One of the big ways you can differentiate yourself as a web design agency and stand out in the minds of the business owners you’re pitching websites to, is to show them a free demo website. Imagine putting a beautiful, personalized website on display for your lead without them having to pay a dime. It’s a great way to demonstrate your capabilities and earn their respect and attention.

In this training session, we show you how to build an effective demo website using SiteSwan. We'll cover everything from selecting the right template to customizing the content and design to fit your client's needs. By the end of this video, you'll have all the tools and knowledge you need to create impressive demo websites that will tee up your lead for the sale – so you can close more deals and grow your business.

Here's what we cover:

  • Where this fits into the website sales process
  • What is a demo website?
  • The benefits of creating a demo website
  • How to create a demo website with SiteSwan
  • Platform demonstration
  • Tips for success

Action items:

  • Practice creating a handful of demo websites to get comfortable with the platform and the process.
  • Be sure to offer a free demo website to EVERY lead you speak to. This is what's going to set you apart from other web designers, and make it easier to close the sale.
  • Follow our recommended steps and tips for success when creating a demo website for your leads. Remember, there is a right and wrong way to creating a site that looks great and sells fast.
  • Try to stick to our Themes. If you're finding yourself talking to a lot of businesses that we do not offer Themes for, you might be targeting the wrong customers.
  • Watch our next video to learn how to present a demo website to a prospect.